Friday, 2 December 2016

Call me sexist, but . . . .

I am fed up with mobi-morons walking the streets with their heads stuck in their phones.

It's so much that I'm fed up with the mobi-morons' sad lives that they have to glue to their phones 24-7. No. It's more to do with the fact that as someone who doesn't walk around with his own head stuck in his phone 24-7, I fail to see why it should have to be me who has to watch out for them and give way to, or walk around them on the path in order to allow them to uninterruptedly maintain their heads stuck in their phones.

And why, as someone who is a little more senior, should I have to stand on a crowded tram so that some youngster who isn't aware of anything going on around them in the world that's not on their little 5-inch screen can sit there and Facebook, Angry Bird or hunt for Pokemons?

And the amazing things one notices while standing in a tram. Many of those on their phones  don't actually have anything constructive to do on their phones. They are actually searching for something to see and do on their phones.

It's the girls and young women who are by far the worst.

They just do not know how to put their phones away, even for 30 seconds. They have a persecution complex about the trash-puzzle magazine "Take a Break". And if they do put their blasted mobiles away for 30 seconds, second 31 sees them taking their phone back out again to check it - presumably to see whether World War Three has started,  the hole on the Ozone layer has enlarged or whether one of their witless friends has posted yet another picture of his penis on Snapchat.

The picture above shows five ladies waiting in the queue for coffee at an exhibition I attended. Typically like all ladies, they are HSIP; Heads Stuck In Phones. They simply cannot pack it in for a moment, even in a relatively speedy moving queue.

What is wrong with them?

Monday, 28 November 2016

Better to Fidel while Rome burns . . . . .

It would seem that Fidel Castro was not really a bad man.

He was " a huge figure of modern history", "a champion of social justice", a man who "stood up for something very, very, different" and "a giant among global leaders whose view was not only one of freedom for his people, but for all of the oppressed and excluded peoples on the planet".

Now the aforementioned quotes weren't from Vladimir Putin. He simply stated that the late President Castro was a "distinguished statesman", the "symbol of an era" and a "sincere and reliable friend of Russia". Yep, so reliable that if Nikita Krushchev hadn't been made of such strong stuff, he would, at Castro's suggestion, have pushed the missile button and not just started World War Three, but actually wiped Cuba off the map in the process.

No, the first three quotes were from the most unsuitable UK Labour leader of modern times, Jeremy Corbyn, the latter, from the unkempt-haired president of the Republic of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, a giant amongst the rose bushes.

What these premium statesmen of the world political scene fail to realise is that Castro's dictatorship was an unmitigated and epic disaster of brutal and oppressive proportions. Free education and healthcare for all, yes, but with unbelievable poverty and food shortages and rationing. In fact, Castro was so good for Cuba, that over 1million Cubans exited stage left for Florida in the USA during his rule.

And in keeping with the plaudits handed out by both Mr Corbyn and President Higgins, independent media outlets were closed down wholesale, priests and homosexuals were dispatched to 'correction' camps and American rock music was declared the sound and work of the devil.

Put in a nutshell, it was nothing but a prime example of a first-class Communist failure. Which possibly explains why it ranks so highly in Mr Corbyn's top five regimes, presumably alongside his good friends in Hamas and the IRA.

Meanwhile back in England, and the BBC's Question Time programme of Thursday 24th November.  Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, himself not exactly a beacon of actinic light on the UK political stage, became unwell and was unable to appear. Not really such a bad thing (not that I wish him unwell), because all he would have done would have been to bleat on and blame the Tories for everything while forgetting Labour was in fact in charge during the 2008 financial crisis. Anyway, the BBC asked former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (2015) Chris Leslie to step in instead.

Back at Labour HQ, chains weren't as much rattled as flushed as hard as they could be, and Mr Corbyn's IKEA cabinet went into dowling and screws overdrive and very speedily sent one of their other stand-by leftie loons, Andrew Gwynne along to get in on the act instead.

While Mr Gwynne managed to get as far as the Green Room, an astute member of the Question Time team realised Mr Gwynne wasn't exactly Mr Leslie, and asked him to pack his flat-pack and screwdriver and leave.

Now in trying to get Mr Gwynne on the panel when the BBC had already decided the stand-in they required, isn't that all rather Castro-ish and Cuban of Mr Corbyn's shady and dysfunctional cabal, eh?

Monday, 3 October 2016

I'm not religious myself, but . . . . . .

I became totally disillusioned with religion many years ago as a result of something that happened to a very good friend of mine. He was subjected to total hypocrisy at the hands of some so-called religious sages that caused him untold grief when getting married. I'll go no further than that.

I became a fervent religious cynic some 20 years ago, and adhere more than ever now to Atheistic principles when I look back over the years where wars, murder, unrest and bigotry have all come about pretty well as a result of religion. That all these have resulted from one person's belief in the unprovable versus another persons belief in something different that is also similarly unprovable, to me, defies not only logic, but goes against pure common sense.

According to recent estimates, there are some 4,200 religions on earth at present. It is said that to believe you have to have faith, and to have faith you must believe. 4,200 religions means an awful lot of individual faith. And an awful lot of believing. That's 4,200 disparate groups, all following some inane belief, all without a shred of evidence or scientific proof to back up their claims. Cynics might remark that on a psychological level, this is actually not normal behaviour.

But on a more practical level, not all of the 4,200 can be in any way all be right!  In fact, "not many" can be right.

I'm certainly very sceptical of the more modern religions, those altogether recent offshoots from the long-established Judaeo-Christian religions. The Methodists, the Plymouth Brethren and many more besides. These very much smack of some strong-willed, big-mouthed people simply not liking their lot and deciding to start their own brand formulated on their own perceptions of what their religion adherence should be. Whether there was just an element of Indians wanting to become Chiefs, or whether, like Scientology or many of the other current evangelical and happy-clappy TV-religions, it was born out of a desire simply to make money, I'm not really too sure.

Cardinal Richelieu, the Spanish Inquisition, witch-hunting, the Sheriff of Nottingham, Islamic Fundamentalism are, as a few examples, not exactly the stuff people-enrichment initiatives are made of. Yes, those in charge make - or made - a good living, but the end-user is stuffed totally. And often terminally.

The famous 'mystery horror' film The Wicker Man, the original with Christopher Lee, Edward Woodward and Britt Ekland, portrayed a group of potty Scottish Islanders who sacrificed a man (police sergeant Edward Woodward in the original, Nicolas Cage in the remake) and an assortment of farm animals, by burning them to death in a wicker structure on a hillside as homage to a sun god in an attempt to avoid crop failure the following year. Meanwhile, on a purely scientific level, their land and location had been proven as not actually suitable to guarantee any form of sustained year on year crop-growing in the first place!

If you are looking for anomalies and things that don't make even common sense, let alone just sense, look no further than religion. Virgin births, reincarnation, dividing major seas. And taking 40 years to travel 1,200km, now that's a good one (that's about 80metres a day, or perhaps a lengthier 100metres a day if you take the Sabbath and High Holy days of rest into account as the Israelites were wont to do - I mean Olympic superstar Mo Farrah runs 20km in about an hour!) and help to preserve the mystery of religion. They mystery that people actually believe it all with a single shred of evidence.

Then there's building a boat from wood capable of accommodating two of every species on earth (I'm sure the two woodworms must have had a field day with that huge wooden boat all to themselves) to avoid the entire planet covered in water (er, excuse me science, but where did the water go to afterwards?). Or finding 72 Virgins in heaven awaiting the arrival of the latest human pieces from a blown-up and murderous homicide-bomber. I mean, if you were a respectable, attractive virgin, would you want to the the hand of a murderer - although being in pieces following self-explosion, I suppose it would be easier to take just the hand.

But where is the proof that 72 virgins are awating? And who reassembles the dismembered murderer so he can have his way with the 72? And if indeed it is his member that is the dismembered, and it doesn't make it nto heaven with the rest of his body parts, how does he indeed then have his wicked way? And anyway, to these holy former hit-squaddies, pure Muslim women aren't actually allowed into the company of strange men without their families' permission, so how do the reassembled murderers, who are altogether more strange than normal strange men, get access to the 72 virgins in the first place?

I'm sorry, but this is all unprovable nonsense, takes the 'have faith to believe and believe to have faith' get-out clause to somewhat of a rather cheap show-business level. "We can't prove any of it, but you'd better believe it or you'll be transported to hell". 

And that's another one. 'Hell'. Where precisely is 'hell' and has anyone proof of the place? Or are people just referring to their misadventures in a nightclub in Doncaster or Scunthorpe? But then North Korea has often been describes as hell on earth. Is that where all the naughty people of this world actually go. To the land of banned hairstyles and banned Western TV and music.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Many things "ist" seems to have quite anti-Jewish tendencies

Socialist, Corbynist, Entryist, Trotskyist and now Methodist. Where there's an 'ist' there ultimately seems to be the demonisation of Israel and ultimately of the Jewish people. That's against just 14million people in a world of 7.4billion (that's under one-fifth of one percent [0.2%] of the world's entire population).

Methodism, as a branch of Protestant Christianity, has it's roots in the 18th Century, so it's fair to say that it's not exactly an old religion. It stems, like many of the 4,500 or so modern"ist" religions of the world, from the disaffection with a long-established religion at the time by a small cabal of people, in this case, John Wesley (a leading anti-Semite of his generation!), George Whitefield and John's brother Charles Wesley. Very much a case of it being that if you don't like the party and its party-goers, simply start your own party.

While Methodism may emphasise "social holiness", missionary zeal, charity and service to the poor and vulnerable, it certainly does not extend this mantra to Israel or, ultimately, to the Jews. You name it in terms of a partisan event that demonises Israel, and the Methodists seem happy to run to the fore and host it at one of their venues. And when publicised on social media, it attracts the usual blame-culture and apologist detractors, many of whom do not feature crosses in their avatar, but instead, the Palestinian 'flag' so beloved by indigenous, British-born, non-Muslim Jewhaters. The ones who are quick to get their banners out and shout at the world to boycott Israeli goods while they themselves hypocritically continue to use Israel technology and medicine themselves.

One such event took place during the 19th - 23rd September (2016) at the Hinde Street Methodist Church, near Oxford Circus in London. It was a World Council of Churches event in connection with the World Week for Peace in Palestine (wherever that may be; ask the Jordanians if you are unsure)  and Israel. It is very much about wanting Israel (and note, it's only Israel, no other country) to dismantle the land barriers they currently use for security to check whether workers or visitors from Israel's land borders are bringing in that which they should not, in particular knives, automatic weapons or homicide bomb belts. Israel does this because it has to. Pretty much in the same way as you have to divest yourself of everything when you go though any airport into the departure lounge. Or enter any Court building in the UK. They don't want you bringing weapons into their country or into a British Court, so why shouldn't a country - Israel in this case - that borders another which is governed by a recognised terrorist organisation (that's Hamas, in case you are either a Methodist or don't actually know - or in the case of the Methodists, apparently don't appear to want to know) be allowed to do the same?

However, the World Council of Churches has chosen, as usual, but on this occasion with the support of the Methodists, to single out only Israel. They have never, for example, homed in on other people barriers in the world, some of which function more to keep people in or out, (as can be seen in the image below), rather than to protect their citizens from terrorist attacks as Israel has to do on a 24/7 basis. Not once have they organised an exhibition hosted by a Methodist church to address these.

Lord George Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury summed it all up perfectly. But then he, as an astute, intelligent and caring man, would do. And there is no better man to emphasise "social holiness", charity and service to the poor and vulnerable than Lord Carey. But then, he is after all a true Statesman. And a thoroughly deserved Peer of the British Realm.

This thoroughly detestable "You Cannot Pass Today" exhibition in London was nothing short of divisive and totally partisan Jew hate. It was an effrontery to Israel, to the Jews of the UK band to any moral, decent-thinking person who can see both sides.

Yes, Israel is by no means perfect (show me a county that is!), but this constant, partisan singling-out of the only true democratic country in a region that sees it totally surrounded by nothing but hostile countries full of people who want to see it destroyed and its people murdered, well this is as totally unforgivable as it is unjustifiable.

And it is ultimately nothing more or less that the despicable Jewhate witnessed throughout the Nazi era of the 1930's and early 1940's that saw 6million Jews murdered. And remember, when the Channel Islands were occupied by the Germans during the Second World War, local Methodist Minister John Leale was up there collaborating vigorously with the Nazis by identifying the names of the Island’s Jewish residents.

These lovely people, it would appear, have neither shame nor morals, and have a nerve to call themselves Christians. 

In actual fact they haven't really got a lot going for them full-stop, apart, that is, from their partisan hatefulness.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

There comes a point when Jews become totally sick of the Jew-hate . . .

. . . and that tipping point has now been well and truly reached.

As a Jew, I openly confess to not being a synagogue-attending bible-thumper. In fact, I think Richard Dawkins might, to an extent, have a somewhat valid point. Why do people transport themselves back to the 16th Century, wear ludicrous clothes or have completely illogical habits in the cause of following something totally devoid of one single shred of factual evidence in support?

I'm talking about religion.

On a very basic level, if you are a bible-thumper, can you ACTUALLY prove there is an all-seeing, all-doing deity, a he or she who must be obeyed? Can you prove Noah built a huge boat containing, among other beings, a pair of rabbits, a pair of flies, a pair of crocodiles, a pair of elephants and a pair of Cobras and that it housed the only surviving family on earth? Can you prove you gain the pleasure of 72 virgins after you pass away? Can you prove you were born to a woman without a conception taking place? Can you prove claims of "memories going back 76 trillion years"? (that's Scientology for you, in case you were wondering)?

Why no! Of course you can't.

Instead you are continually fobbed off with the hackneyed saying "to believe you have to have faith, and to have faith you have to believe". So using an analogy of that get-out-clause, a chronic gambler on a high street fixed-odds money swallowing machine is totally off the hook for leaving their family without food and clothing because "they have faith in the machine and believe they can win".


Now most world ills over the centuries have been the result of the adherents to one set of unprovable scientific beliefs being pitted against adherents to another set of unprovable beliefs. And as the scientific world these adherents reject moves further on in sophistication, the weapons being produced for enforcing their beliefs on others similarly advance. Yes, weapons they believe in, but scientific proof, none do they have.

And the root of all this evil? By and large money, power, bigotry and blame culture. You only have to look at the likes of the Sheriff of Nottingham, Cardinal Richelieu, Hamas or the IRA. They made/are making millions at the expense of those they claim or claimed to support.

Now what I can’t abide is the hypocrisy of hate. The partisan attitude of the haters who more often than not haven’t actually a clue as to who or why they hate they way they do. They are usually very easily-led sheep, probably of quite low intellect who follow some charismatic lunatic because they would be otherwise excluded from normal society. Not that this is in any way normal, you will understand. And more often than not they have not only never actually been to the country they hate, but have never even met anyone from that country, or someone from that country living in their own country. It bears similarity to when people of my age played in the streets during the 60’s. The cowboys were the ‘goodies’ and the Indians were the ‘baddies’. It's only when we got older that we realised the Indians, the then indigenous population, had been forced into being the baddies because of the corrupt and better-than-thou mentality of the gold-rush diggers and rail barons who usurped their lands chasing their filthy lucre.

However, all is different now and thanks to the ready availability of information, it is easier for people to get hold of the knowledge they need in order to make an informed decision for themselves. But this is where it all falls down. Whether through ignorance, laziness, fear, jealousy or good old-fashioned bigotry and racism, they often choose to ignore history and facts and instead accede to simply accepting false blame culture. Or they believe that, which, through their own lack of intelligence, they find more convenient to believe, even if it is so far removed from the truth or actuality as to be laughable, or more often, contemptible.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movements have proven themselves to be the most hypocritical and anti-Semitic organisations on the planet. These two organisations are actually using the terminology “acceptable face of anti-Semitism and Jewhate” by stealth.

Their continual partisan vitriol against Israel and the Jews is very thinly, if at all, disguised as criticism against the government of Israel. It is never ending and in truth can be accepted as legitimate only by either the most narrow-minded or uninformed bigot . . .  or the 100% anti-Semite. They openly condemn Israel and the Jews for alleged acts of barbarism, with the added pretence of Apartheid that are complete figments of their infertile and underutilised imaginations. They are totally without foundation, fact or proof, but these are actually the very practices that have been shown to be carried out by the likes of Hamas who govern the very people the PSC claim to support.

In particular, the Brighton division of the PSC, possibly the UK’s most virulent Jewhaters in the UK, took part in a gay pride rally where they demonstrated against what they narrow-mindedly perceive to be Apartheid in Israel. Israel, meanwhile, is the only true democracy in the Middle East, where unlike most Arab Muslim countries, non-Jews sit side-by-side with Israeli Jews in government, the civil service, the judiciary, education and the military. Neither are women dictated to by the state, as they are for example in Iran or Saudi Arabia, the great exponents of Human Rights violations that seem to totally escape censure by that august body of partisan anti-Israel resolution producers, the UN.

But what is beyond laughable is that the PSC should attend a Gay Pride event at all. Israel is the only country in the Middle East that freely allows Gay Pride Events onto the calendar of organised activities within its cities and towns! The event in Tel Aviv is such a full week of activity for the LGBT Community that it has become an international tourist attraction!

Meanwhile in Gaza, populated by the very people the PSC purport to support, gay people are thrown live off tall buildings or dragged along behind motorcycles by Hamas. So what right does the PSC have to criticise Israel under the sham of its attendance at a Gay Pride event, the very section of the community those it supports are more than happy to murder for being so?

Unless, of course, the PCS themselves are anti-gay, a conclusion any rational person might perhaps reach?

I am sick to the back teeth of the continual hypocritical and partisan attitude towards ONLY Israel shown by these groups. Enough is enough. If they are continually going to throw stones (something the Palestinians seem to excel at regardless) in their own greenhouses, they deserve to be treated with utter contempt by all rational, free-thinking people who should withdraw their support for these rabid anti-Semites.

It’s time this Jew-hating was stopped by the free world. Let the barbarians hate within their own fetid environments, not in our civilised society that is continually under threat from Islamists, not Jews.

Just leave us alone to our one , simpledesire – to be allowed to live in peace in our own land while continuing to produce not car bombs, suicide vests, stone-throwing or terrorism, but the technological and medical innovations that the hypocrites of the PSC and BDS continue to use themselves while calling for others to boycott.

Let them smash the windows of their own glass house if that is how ignorantly and stupidly they wish to live their own insignificant, bigoted lives.

Enough is enough.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Has Turkey been well and truly basted?

I have been to Turkey on holiday several times over the past 25 years, the first being on honeymoon to a very undeveloped Bodrum, before the townspeople realised there was money to be made from the all-night drinking, Union Jack pants-wearing, tattooed, face-rivited and ridiculous haircutted brigade - and that's only the British women.

In fairness, each holiday we took was delightful, the only down side whatsoever being the fact that when you walked past a restaurant, some member of staff wanted to drag you in kicking and screaming to eat what they perceive as being required, wholesome 'good burger and 'sips (chips) and big beer' as the standard fare for the average British holidaymaker. Not for us I'm afraid.

Yes, we have only ourselves to blame on that score.

However, wherever we went, the adulation by the Turkish people for Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the former Turkish army officer, revolutionary, and the first President of Turkey, defied description. By all accounts a moderniser, hero, visionary and man of the people who dragged his country kicking and screaming into the 20th century. In the meantime there have been several coups to maintain this status quo of modernity, compared with say Iran which has successfully managed to transport itself back to the 16th century, while making those who saw the Shah as a corrupt money-grabber and suppressors of human rights and values, the Ayatollas, far more wealthy and corrupt in comparison than any way the Shah and his family ever were, and with oppression far outstripping anything the Shah even ever privately dreamt about.

Which is what makes it all the more strange regarding the carry-on by the current Islamist president Recep Tayip Erdogen. All the hard work of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the wonderful life his people enjoyed for decades seems to be slowly eroding away. The recent failed coup, resulting in the unbelievably swift arrest of 6,000 people over the course of a mere two days, are nothing if quasi-fascist in tendency. Plainly Erdogen had his hit-list of opponents ready and waiting for any excuse to remove them from circulation. So much so, it may, at the risk of suggesting a conspiracy theory, they he might have engineered the coup himself, just to be rid of his opponents.

But this appears to have totally gone over the heads of the common people. That 6,000 people could be rounded up and transported away over a mere 48 hours.

Yes, OK, Mr Erdogen has improved the health services dramatically, something the common people see (potentially their only real contact with the state) on a daily basis, but this has been offset by, for example, creeping religion that no one really wants in the form of the removal of Darwin from the syllabus in universities, a creeping campaign against alcohol consumption, the building of increasing numbers of faceless mosques complete with call-to-prayers booming out in a language (classical Arabic) that very few - if any - Turkish people actually understand.

Dark days ahead indeed with this man as President.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Is proscription the approaching answer to radicalised Islam?

It is very sad when a major world religion is really on the point of having to be proscribed. Virtually all atrocities in the World since 9/11 have been committed by the lunatic fringe of Islam that has done nothing but bring the entire religion into ill-repute.

It is a great shame, because all of my Muslim friends, without exception, are very much like myself - they have simply been born into their religion and just pay lip service to either their parents or families to keep the peace (so to speak, i.e. stave off parents, siblings or clerics who would soil their underclothes if they knew they didn't exactly keep to Ramadan, they enjoyed a Guinness during the week, or a night out with a young lady/man not of the faith). It is such a shame.

However, unlike say the IRA running their rackets and wanting a united Ireland, Islamic extremism is driven by weirdbeard 'clerics' who want a Sharia world and simply do not tolerate anyone of any other creed who doesn't believe in, or want to convert to their warped 14th Century beliefs, blame culture and pseudo superiority complexes.

It is not helped by the warmongering multi-millionaire mad mullahs in Iran (ironic that is is actually France's fault for letting Ayatoilet Konmerchat go back in 1979 - the looneybeards seem to have forgotten that - so much for France helping Iran to establish extremism, what a pay-back they have received).

It IS coming to the stage where it has to be called what it is to perhaps embarrass the moderate norms, those who are in a leadership position, to do something about it. And the media, so often themselves the targets of these antisocial and unacceptable "Fatwahs" have to take some responsibility themselves in order to preserve their own freedoms.

I never remember Gerry Adams ever calling for the death of the editor of the Times for posting a satirical cartoon about Sinn Fein or the IRA. And that's with the IRA being founded on fact, unlike religions, where there is no proof and only fairy tales driving their beliefs (and that goes for all religions [the cult Scientology aside, founded on the need for L Ron Hubbard who actually admitted he started it because he wanted to be rich - tell that to Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Beck, peaches Geldof and Edgar Winter] by the way, all 4,950 or so of them inhabiting the world today).

Thursday, 7 July 2016

It's a hard labour for Labour

Oh for goodness sake, I wish Labour people would get a grip now, pack it in already going on at Mr Blair and concentrate now on getting rid of their inconsequential leader and his Momentum fascists and provide some proper opposition to the Tories.

Are you all so blind that you can't see what a waste of space Mr Corbyn and his £3 supporters are? You can't possibly be that silly. Or can you? Get someone in who can actually lead the party out of its morass and salvage at least some of your credibility.

Face up to it, you now need to stop fooling yourselves and being so dishonest to the British public. Mr Corbyn is a total and utter disaster. If he had anything about him, he'd admit it himself and stand down, thus at least salvaging some of his own self-respect. Posting bloody silly happy-clappy videos on his Facebook page, like all is fine and dandy.

It's not fine and dandy. Even a child can see that. Not by the remotest figment of the imagination. What is up with you?

He's actually now a liability to fine politicians and statespeople such as Hilary Benn, Margaret Hodge, Sadiq Kahn, Keith Vaz, Alan Johnson, Chuka Umunna and Dan Jarvis, to name but a few.

And please, don't go on about how he was democratically elected by the membership. It was, what seemed to a group of people at the time, a good way to refresh the party and its thinking in the wake of the General Election drubbing, but it went so spectacularly wrong that many of the MP's who supported him for leader are now more than thoroughly embarrassed. They didn't envisage he would be such a destructive force/farce.

From day one, the process was hyjacked by the Momentum fascists, their supporters, other miscellaneous Socialist miscreants and most sadly of all, by those £3 instant members (including members of the Conservatives and UKIP) who joined for no other reason than to have Mr Corbyn elected and thus prevent the future electability of the Labour Party as Government.

Of the 216 Labour MP's who turned out to vote in the secret ballot on 'no confidence', 172 voted that they had no confidence in Mr Corbyn’s leadership. Just 40 MPs voted to back Mr Corbyn, along with 13 abstentions and 4 spoiled ballots.

That's 75% voting no confidence and 81½% of total elected Labour MPs (the equivalent of an A in a state exam!) who do not support Mr Corbyn. How much more of a mandate is needed for you all to admit you are wrong and for the man to go. If the equivalent was happening in the Tory party, with 75% of Conservative MP's telling the PM to go, be honest, you'd all be at the front of the queue, braying like donkeys.

I, and I am sure many others, want there to be a credible and honest opposition to the current government, not a group of totally disillusioned Labour MP's led by someone with a mandate from a rag-tag bunch of £3'ers whose only interest is their own perverse far-left agenda.

And the 100,000 new members signed up to Labour since the Neverendum are like the people who buy the £79.95 restaurant discount 2 for1 Tastecard for £29.95 and then never use it again.

And don't get me started on Mr Ignorance (Len McCluckCluck).

Sunday, 15 May 2016

The Greater Manchester Police terrorism exercise

There was a right royal storm of politically correctness when a Greater Manchester Police consultant pretended, on exercise, to be a terrorist suicide bomber and shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he fake blew himself up.  There was a national gnashing and grinding of teeth, outrage, shame and embarrassment.

By far too many people!  the ones with their eyes wide shut. The ones who engage their mouths before they even slightly engage their brains. The panderers.

It was a case of the hee-bee-gee-bees. The trouble-risers and professionally obtuse got their knickers in a twist. Those who are insulted at the drop of a hat. Not the Christians who put nup with 'immaculate deception' all the time, Jews and anti-Semitism conveniently disguised as Israel-hate, Buddhists being told they are idol mad, Sikhs and Hindus accudes of being 'towel-heads' or even the little green men-following Scientologists whom actually area barrel of laughs.

No, it was the "others".

Many are purely and simply political activists, as opposed to people active in politics, a subtle-as-a-brick difference. They are like the rent-a-mob-crew who used to plague the Jewish-owned Kedem shop in Manchester or call anyone with off-white skin "Pakis" - the fickle type who have moved on and can suddenly be found protesting about fracking or campaigning for Brexit or Brexin, or whoever pays them the most in cash without disturbing their fortnightly signing-on sessions!

The type who were happy to be recorded on video ignorantly saying "the IDF was preventing Palestinians from fishing in the Dead Sea and shooting them if they tried".

They are empty vessels who, naturally enough, have made, and continue to make, the most noise.

But sadly, we keep pandering to their noise. And it has to stop. Spades have to be called spades, not earth-upturning-cum-load-shifting-implements. Otherwise the scenario where a church (in an ostensibly Christian country!!!!) says it is taking down crosses so as not to insult a certain sector of the community will only get worse. Calling Christmas anything but Christmas has to stop. If people don't like packs of Peppa Pigs, well don't buy them then. It's as simple as that - don't expect the remainder of the community to do without because it's 'not your scene'. I don't like football, so I don't support a team. nothing could be simpler. But I don't take to the street with a banner shouting "death to football supporters". If you don't want to serve bacon or alcohol, then go work in a DIY store, call centre or professional consultancy where you don't have to deal with food or booze. It's not rocket science. It's called integration.

PC stands for Police Constable, not Politically Correct - they have a hard enough task without being vilified for a current, real-life observation. "Alahu Akbar", may, alleged, be a praiseworthy statement, but it has sadly become currently very synonymous with death, destruction and misery.

That is why it was used, in a knee-jerk fashion, during the exercise.

No apology was needed. But people have to open their eyes.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

To believe you have to have faith and to have faith you have to believe . . . . .

When you look back over history, while much misery and death has been the result of conquest (Norman, Portuguese, Dutch, British) or assassination (World War I), the greatest harbinger of murder, misery and miscellaneous death has always been that in the name of religion.

Now I have always found this rather perverse. Because people causing death in the name of religion, I believe, have something fundamentally wrong with them. Committing gross acts of murder and violence because one group of people believe in something scientifically unprovable over another group of people believing in something different that is equally scientifically unprovable, is inexcusable.

Could you imagine justifying the killing of someone because they don't believe that in the 7th Century, raspberries were actually blue in colour. There is no proof either way! They are currently red. Because we can see them, buy them and eat them for ourselves. Now throw into the mix a demonstration where the group of 'Blue Raspberrians' take to the streets with placards demanding "death to all non-believers in blue-raspberries" and you can see how twisted religion can really be.

I have no problem with people believing in virgin births. I have no problem if people believe their marital sins and wife-cheating can be totally absolved by telling a celibate man in a box about it. If a science-fiction writer declares that we are descended from little green men following a nuclear explosion in a galaxy far, far away (having admitted that he started his 'religion' thinking it a great way to make money), ok. You're the fool believing it and parting with 10% of your income. If you class it as 'creation and work' to flick a light switch on at home on a Saturday, yet you feel a three-mile walk in the pouring rain and biting wind without an umbrella, to sit in your house of prayer soaking wet for three hours and then face an identical walk home is not hard work, then good luck to you. Providing you leave me alone, I do not care. You can believe that we are all descended form nettle soup for all I care, providing you leave me and my people alone!

Strange though it may seem, regardless which side of the fence you sit on regarding religion, the majority of people tend to be upstanding citizens who, unless they have opted-out of religion altogether as either atheists or agnostics, tend to follow one of the current 4,900+ religions in the world today. And as I have said, good luck to them. It is just a small minority of ignoramuses for whom nothing will divert them from their narrow-minded, closeted and bigoted view on the world and anyone who is different to them.

Perfect harbingers of this deluded form of racism are the likes of the Klu Klux Klan and other assorted lunatic right-wingers, Islamic fundamentalists, and a very hotch-potch mixture of some very confused and quite nasty nationalists and socialists throughout the world.

But ask these sick individuals why they hate Blacks, Jews, Muslims or 'non-believers' and infidels, and they really cannot answer you.

Because they don't actually know themselves.

Their fathers did likewise, as did their grandfathers and their great-great grandfathers before them.  So it has become simply a family legacy to be hateful, bigoted and racist towards fellow human beings. To accept ill-informed invective passed down through successive generations. To be devoid of any academic, social or educated reason for hating a group that is different to that of your own.

In this day and age, it is inexcusable. And to use being a complete ignoramus, is not a viable excuse either.

Friday, 6 May 2016

What exactly goes through the mind of the average BDS supporter?

The BDS - Boycott Divestment and Sanctions- is a movement, set up by an altogether mind-warped group of individuals under the aegis of a thoroughly contemptible and totally uncharitable Qatari named Omar Barghouti.

Contemptible,  because Omar Barghouti was calling for his boycott before and while he attended Tel Aviv University in Israel to gain a Master's Degree in philosophy, rather than attain his degree at a Gazan, Qatar or other Arab university. Yet the democratic rules that apply to citizens in Israel meant that while calling for his boycott, despite a petition by Israelis, Israeli law was on his side to continue and complete his studies.

Could you imagine calling for a boycott of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Dubai or the Emirates from within any of those countries, let alone while studying at one of the universities located there? At best you'd be jailed for years, at worst, sentenced to death.

Uncharitable because, as a multi-millionaire, he lives the high life, either in his luxury apartment in Tel Aviv (Palestinians, meanwhile, are prevented from owning property in virtually all Muslim countries) or in his luxury apartment in Doha while Palestinians are forced to survive on less than $3,000 (except those who work for Israeli companies and enjoy wages at parity with Israeli workers - one of the underlying reasons the BDS are so keen to 'boycott' and thus render Israeli-employed Palestinians jobless when Israeli firms move on).

The one thing that sets the BDS movement apart from any other anti-social group in the world is that they hypocritically call for a boycott of Israeli goods and services while at the same time continuing to use Israel products themselves. They have Facebook pages; they use Apple products; they use Pentiums and Calerons; they use Twitter; they use the Windows operating system; they use smartphones to record their Jewhating rallies - in fact, they are so knee-deep in Israeli technology, that any sentient, normal-thinking person should be otherwise totally embarrassed to be associated with such a hypocritically hate-filled group.

The far more sinister side to the BDS is not just its association with the terrorist group Hamas (with it's published charter calling for the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel), but the fact they are openly Jewhaters spreading Jewhate. They have - and continue to - demonstrate clearly on many occasions that they simply do not care about the Palestiniains thay the group was supposedly set up to help 'defend'. In total, the BDS have helped over 3,000 Palestinains in Israel lose their jobs over the past three years, 605 alone through forcing the relocation of SodaStream from the West Bank. Yet they defend their actions in closing (most companies they have forced to close have actually just relocated and as a result have ended up employing just Israeli citizens because of their new location) a mere handful of Israeli companies (with the loss of 3,000 Palestinian jobs) as "worth the course".

Yet they make no attempt to actually replace the incomes of those Palestinians they succeed in rendering jobless!

So who are the people who support BDS?

They fall into four broad categories:
  1. The out and out Hamas-style Jewhaters who want to see Jews murdered and Israel disappear
  2. The simpleton and often right-wing anti-Zionists, Nazis and white supremacists who use it as an excuse to pursue their Jewhating agenda
  3. The naive people who are ostensibly good-hearted and misguidedly see Israel as the big brother and the Palestinians as the oppressed while failing to realise that it is in fact Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are the oppressors thought their usurping of world aid for their own end and have no intention of a peaceful settlement with Israel
  4. The rich and famous, many of whom have what appears to be an anti-Semitic streak and who treat Israel as their pet hate (while, of course, ignoring other countries with problems that are far, far worse than ANY of the problems that may be in the Israel area), many of them potentially just to further advance their careers with exposure to a new audience of ignorant, young, right-wing, closet anti-Semites - Roger Waters, Brian Eno and Annie Lennox are just three celebrities who fall into this (and, it must be added, sharing some attributes of #1 above) category, while the likes of British politicians such as failed LibDem Bradford MP David Ward, ousted Baroness Jenny Tongue and Labour MP Grahame Morris consistently demonstrate an inexplicable hate for Israel and even for Jews themselves.
The one and most detestable and inexplicable thing BDS people all have in common is that they themselves continue to make full use of Israeli technology, innovation and medicine while openly calling on their supporters to boycott Israeli goods.

Perhaps given the outing of anti-Semites in the British Labour Party, it is time these detestable people were theselves boycotted by normal, reasonable citizens.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Wake up world!

As Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2016 begins this evening for 24 hours, perhaps those who are unsure about the predicament Israel faces on a daily basis may care to view this short video of the educational theatre that Gazan children are encouraged to perform.

Yes, I may be partisan, but how many of my true friends really blame me when I get rather heated in my reaction to the consistent demonisation Israel faces at the hands of a race who so clearly do not imbue any sense of peace whatsoever in their upcoming generations?

I remind you all that In 1999 the Palestinians were offered a two-state solution by Israel giving in to 99% of their demands. Yet Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader declined; the world was confused. Peace on a plate. Refused.

They were then given Gaza in 2005 in exchange for peace - meanwhile 11,000 rockets and several hundred million dollars worth of collapsing terror tunnels later - nada!

Yes, I do indeed feel sorry for the average, everyday Palestinian and the situation they are in. In spite of receiving tens of billions of dollars in aid and investment, Gaza has no infrastructure to speak of. It is a crumbling country, a failed state. It could by now have been one of the most advanced states in the Middle East had the money been spent properly and had they chosen to work with Israel instead of against it (something Hamas don’t want because it will ruin the 5-star luxury their leaders enjoy in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Dubai). It could have been a tourist hotspot (who knows, maybe Arab states competing for the tallest hotel in the world didn't want it to rain on their Guinness World record parade, and sacrificing a few Palestinians and getting the world's uneducated Jewhaters to cry "shame, all Israel's fault" was firmly on their agenda in the first place!)

Meanwhile in Gaza, roads are falling apart, hospitals are below poor (180,000 Palestinians have received treatment, without discrimination, in Israeli hospitals since 2005) and the infrastructure is some of the worst in the world.

All completely self-inflicted. Relying totally on blame-culture against Israel yet constantly and consistently crying to the world for help.

Meanwhile, Israel gets on with it, inventing technological marvels (this Facebook page for starters not to forget the Pentium and Celeron PC's you might be using and the Windows operating system installed thereon), continuing to share its scientific, medical and agricultural innovations with a world that is so quick to condemn and support thoroughly Jewhating organisations such as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the professionally antisocial and hypocritical Boycott movement (run, incidentally, by a Qatari Millionaire from Gaza, that is, when he's not in the luxury flat he owns in Tel Aviv following the Israeli Masters Degree he paid to study for in Tel Aviv University - is that not abject and hateful hypocrisy?)

Yes "Free Palestine", but it isn't from the Israelis they need freeing and it certainly should not continue to be free for the Palestinian elite to enjoy their millions and millions of dollars through the ongoing misappropriation of billions of world aid while citizens of Gaza continue to suffer.
If Martin McGuinness and the IRA could see sense - a sense that resulted in him shaking the hand of Her Majesty the Queen, a head of state he originally despised so much. then why can't the PA and Hamas?

Surely Palestinian citizens should be far more important than being impoverished, disposable pawns in the billionaire chess game that Hamas continue to play with such drama?

When will the world ever wake up?

Free "Palestine"? Really? Yes! It certainly has been 'free' for the past decade or more

Consider the following:
· In 1999 the Palestinians were offered a two-state solution by Israel giving in to 99% of their demands.  Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader declined; the world was confused. Peace on a plate. Refused.
· The Palestinian elite don't live in so-called “Palestine”; they live in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Dubai, predominantly in 5-star hotels, driving fine cars and eating in Michelin Star restaurants
· When Yasser Arafat died it was revealed that he had some $5billion (that’s $5,000,000,000) syphoned from international aid and deposited in Swiss bank accounts in spite of never working.
· $2.1 billion of world aid has been extorted thus far since 2005 by Hamas through tithes and taxes on anything entering the country. On top of this:
· Hamas senior Dr. Musa Abu Marzook is now worth over $2billion– he has not worked in past 12 years while acquiring this fortune
· Hamas senior Khaled Mashaal worth $2.6billion (lives in 5* hotel Doha) - he has not worked in past 12 years while acquiring this fortune
· Hamas senior Ismail Haniyeh is worth $3.5billion (lives in 5* hotel Doha - owns $4million, 2,500m2 plot of land in Gaza City and 13 houses in Gaza registered in the names of each of his 13 children) - he has not worked in past 12 years while acquiring this fortune
· President Mahmoud Abbas is worth around $100million - he has not worked in past 12 years while acquiring this fortune (except as President)
· Currently in Gaza (since 2001) there are now 1,243 Hamas millionaires, up from 850 in 2012 (President Abbas himself claims there are nearer to 1,800) as well as 1,450 "near" millionaires - apart from a very few entrepreneurs, none have earned this income by working
· The Gazan unemployment rate is about 29%, with Hamas-controlled yearly wage for Gazan workers averaging $2,900
Meanwhile . . . .
In spite of receiving tens of billions of dollars in aid and investment, Gaza has no infrastructure to speak of. It is a crumbling country, a failed state. It could by now have been one of the most advanced state in the Middle East had the money been spent properly and had they chosen to work with Israel instead of against it (something other Arab states and Hamas didn’t and don’t want). There roads are falling apart, the hospitals are very poor, the infrastructure is some of the worst in the world.
Germany was flattened after World War II. So-called “Palestine” is 50 times smaller than Germany yet has been gifted 35 times more money than German did to build a state and nation which they have steadfastly refused to do. Germany rebuilt itself in the same length of time it has taken Gaza to instead fire 11,000 rockets (average of five a day) into Israel and waste hundreds of millions of dollars building terror tunnels that are now either collapsing because they couldn’t even do that correctly or being destroyed by the Egyptians or Israel.
As soon as the people who are in control of so-called “Palestine” accept peace, they will get no more free money, no more 5-star suites in Dubai for the elite and all will actually have to live in Gaza themselves amongst their people.
That is why there is no peace.
Yes "Free Palestine", but it isn't from the Israelis they need freeing and it certainly should not be free for Palestinian leaders through their ongoing personal use of misappropriated world aid.
Wake up world!