Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Many things "ist" seems to have quite anti-Jewish tendencies

Socialist, Corbynist, Entryist, Trotskyist and now Methodist. Where there's an 'ist' there ultimately seems to be the demonisation of Israel and ultimately of the Jewish people. That's against just 14million people in a world of 7.4billion (that's under one-fifth of one percent [0.2%] of the world's entire population).

Methodism, as a branch of Protestant Christianity, has it's roots in the 18th Century, so it's fair to say that it's not exactly an old religion. It stems, like many of the 4,500 or so modern"ist" religions of the world, from the disaffection with a long-established religion at the time by a small cabal of people, in this case, John Wesley (a leading anti-Semite of his generation!), George Whitefield and John's brother Charles Wesley. Very much a case of it being that if you don't like the party and its party-goers, simply start your own party.

While Methodism may emphasise "social holiness", missionary zeal, charity and service to the poor and vulnerable, it certainly does not extend this mantra to Israel or, ultimately, to the Jews. You name it in terms of a partisan event that demonises Israel, and the Methodists seem happy to run to the fore and host it at one of their venues. And when publicised on social media, it attracts the usual blame-culture and apologist detractors, many of whom do not feature crosses in their avatar, but instead, the Palestinian 'flag' so beloved by indigenous, British-born, non-Muslim Jewhaters. The ones who are quick to get their banners out and shout at the world to boycott Israeli goods while they themselves hypocritically continue to use Israel technology and medicine themselves.

One such event took place during the 19th - 23rd September (2016) at the Hinde Street Methodist Church, near Oxford Circus in London. It was a World Council of Churches event in connection with the World Week for Peace in Palestine (wherever that may be; ask the Jordanians if you are unsure)  and Israel. It is very much about wanting Israel (and note, it's only Israel, no other country) to dismantle the land barriers they currently use for security to check whether workers or visitors from Israel's land borders are bringing in that which they should not, in particular knives, automatic weapons or homicide bomb belts. Israel does this because it has to. Pretty much in the same way as you have to divest yourself of everything when you go though any airport into the departure lounge. Or enter any Court building in the UK. They don't want you bringing weapons into their country or into a British Court, so why shouldn't a country - Israel in this case - that borders another which is governed by a recognised terrorist organisation (that's Hamas, in case you are either a Methodist or don't actually know - or in the case of the Methodists, apparently don't appear to want to know) be allowed to do the same?

However, the World Council of Churches has chosen, as usual, but on this occasion with the support of the Methodists, to single out only Israel. They have never, for example, homed in on other people barriers in the world, some of which function more to keep people in or out, (as can be seen in the image below), rather than to protect their citizens from terrorist attacks as Israel has to do on a 24/7 basis. Not once have they organised an exhibition hosted by a Methodist church to address these.

Lord George Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury summed it all up perfectly. But then he, as an astute, intelligent and caring man, would do. And there is no better man to emphasise "social holiness", charity and service to the poor and vulnerable than Lord Carey. But then, he is after all a true Statesman. And a thoroughly deserved Peer of the British Realm.

This thoroughly detestable "You Cannot Pass Today" exhibition in London was nothing short of divisive and totally partisan Jew hate. It was an effrontery to Israel, to the Jews of the UK band to any moral, decent-thinking person who can see both sides.

Yes, Israel is by no means perfect (show me a county that is!), but this constant, partisan singling-out of the only true democratic country in a region that sees it totally surrounded by nothing but hostile countries full of people who want to see it destroyed and its people murdered, well this is as totally unforgivable as it is unjustifiable.

And it is ultimately nothing more or less that the despicable Jewhate witnessed throughout the Nazi era of the 1930's and early 1940's that saw 6million Jews murdered. And remember, when the Channel Islands were occupied by the Germans during the Second World War, local Methodist Minister John Leale was up there collaborating vigorously with the Nazis by identifying the names of the Island’s Jewish residents.

These lovely people, it would appear, have neither shame nor morals, and have a nerve to call themselves Christians. 

In actual fact they haven't really got a lot going for them full-stop, apart, that is, from their partisan hatefulness.

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