Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Wake up world!

As Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2016 begins this evening for 24 hours, perhaps those who are unsure about the predicament Israel faces on a daily basis may care to view this short video of the educational theatre that Gazan children are encouraged to perform.

Yes, I may be partisan, but how many of my true friends really blame me when I get rather heated in my reaction to the consistent demonisation Israel faces at the hands of a race who so clearly do not imbue any sense of peace whatsoever in their upcoming generations?

I remind you all that In 1999 the Palestinians were offered a two-state solution by Israel giving in to 99% of their demands. Yet Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader declined; the world was confused. Peace on a plate. Refused.

They were then given Gaza in 2005 in exchange for peace - meanwhile 11,000 rockets and several hundred million dollars worth of collapsing terror tunnels later - nada!

Yes, I do indeed feel sorry for the average, everyday Palestinian and the situation they are in. In spite of receiving tens of billions of dollars in aid and investment, Gaza has no infrastructure to speak of. It is a crumbling country, a failed state. It could by now have been one of the most advanced states in the Middle East had the money been spent properly and had they chosen to work with Israel instead of against it (something Hamas don’t want because it will ruin the 5-star luxury their leaders enjoy in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Dubai). It could have been a tourist hotspot (who knows, maybe Arab states competing for the tallest hotel in the world didn't want it to rain on their Guinness World record parade, and sacrificing a few Palestinians and getting the world's uneducated Jewhaters to cry "shame, all Israel's fault" was firmly on their agenda in the first place!)

Meanwhile in Gaza, roads are falling apart, hospitals are below poor (180,000 Palestinians have received treatment, without discrimination, in Israeli hospitals since 2005) and the infrastructure is some of the worst in the world.

All completely self-inflicted. Relying totally on blame-culture against Israel yet constantly and consistently crying to the world for help.

Meanwhile, Israel gets on with it, inventing technological marvels (this Facebook page for starters not to forget the Pentium and Celeron PC's you might be using and the Windows operating system installed thereon), continuing to share its scientific, medical and agricultural innovations with a world that is so quick to condemn and support thoroughly Jewhating organisations such as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the professionally antisocial and hypocritical Boycott movement (run, incidentally, by a Qatari Millionaire from Gaza, that is, when he's not in the luxury flat he owns in Tel Aviv following the Israeli Masters Degree he paid to study for in Tel Aviv University - is that not abject and hateful hypocrisy?)

Yes "Free Palestine", but it isn't from the Israelis they need freeing and it certainly should not continue to be free for the Palestinian elite to enjoy their millions and millions of dollars through the ongoing misappropriation of billions of world aid while citizens of Gaza continue to suffer.
If Martin McGuinness and the IRA could see sense - a sense that resulted in him shaking the hand of Her Majesty the Queen, a head of state he originally despised so much. then why can't the PA and Hamas?

Surely Palestinian citizens should be far more important than being impoverished, disposable pawns in the billionaire chess game that Hamas continue to play with such drama?

When will the world ever wake up?

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