Sunday, 15 May 2016

The Greater Manchester Police terrorism exercise

There was a right royal storm of politically correctness when a Greater Manchester Police consultant pretended, on exercise, to be a terrorist suicide bomber and shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he fake blew himself up.  There was a national gnashing and grinding of teeth, outrage, shame and embarrassment.

By far too many people!  the ones with their eyes wide shut. The ones who engage their mouths before they even slightly engage their brains. The panderers.

It was a case of the hee-bee-gee-bees. The trouble-risers and professionally obtuse got their knickers in a twist. Those who are insulted at the drop of a hat. Not the Christians who put nup with 'immaculate deception' all the time, Jews and anti-Semitism conveniently disguised as Israel-hate, Buddhists being told they are idol mad, Sikhs and Hindus accudes of being 'towel-heads' or even the little green men-following Scientologists whom actually area barrel of laughs.

No, it was the "others".

Many are purely and simply political activists, as opposed to people active in politics, a subtle-as-a-brick difference. They are like the rent-a-mob-crew who used to plague the Jewish-owned Kedem shop in Manchester or call anyone with off-white skin "Pakis" - the fickle type who have moved on and can suddenly be found protesting about fracking or campaigning for Brexit or Brexin, or whoever pays them the most in cash without disturbing their fortnightly signing-on sessions!

The type who were happy to be recorded on video ignorantly saying "the IDF was preventing Palestinians from fishing in the Dead Sea and shooting them if they tried".

They are empty vessels who, naturally enough, have made, and continue to make, the most noise.

But sadly, we keep pandering to their noise. And it has to stop. Spades have to be called spades, not earth-upturning-cum-load-shifting-implements. Otherwise the scenario where a church (in an ostensibly Christian country!!!!) says it is taking down crosses so as not to insult a certain sector of the community will only get worse. Calling Christmas anything but Christmas has to stop. If people don't like packs of Peppa Pigs, well don't buy them then. It's as simple as that - don't expect the remainder of the community to do without because it's 'not your scene'. I don't like football, so I don't support a team. nothing could be simpler. But I don't take to the street with a banner shouting "death to football supporters". If you don't want to serve bacon or alcohol, then go work in a DIY store, call centre or professional consultancy where you don't have to deal with food or booze. It's not rocket science. It's called integration.

PC stands for Police Constable, not Politically Correct - they have a hard enough task without being vilified for a current, real-life observation. "Alahu Akbar", may, alleged, be a praiseworthy statement, but it has sadly become currently very synonymous with death, destruction and misery.

That is why it was used, in a knee-jerk fashion, during the exercise.

No apology was needed. But people have to open their eyes.

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