Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Why we need to drop the term "anti-Semitism"

"Zionism canard"
"Zionist control of the media"
"Apartheid Israel"

These are words beloved by the Jew haters formerly known as anti-Semites.

Let's face it. Anti-Semites, are, by and large Jew-haters. And should be referred to as so.  Straightforwardly and simply as easy as that. Jews know these anti-Semites are Jew-haters. And while most of these Jew-haters themselves may not necessarily know, be it through their own blind ignorance, bigotry or a sad upbringing why they are so inclined, they know full well that they are too. Yes. Jew-haters. Modern-day Nazis. Nothing more and, quite despicably, nothing less.

And they all follow almost an identical pattern when they are engaged with. They become profane. They bully. They quote Palestinian blame-culture myths. And they are never ones to hide complete lies and fabrication under their bushels. They simply cannot let the truth get in the way of their blind hatred. And they trot out the words "Conflate", "Zionism canard", "Trope", "Zionist control of the media" and"Apartheid Israel" ad nauseam.

The likes of the extremely noxious Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) or the unbelievably hypocritical and thoroughly anti-social Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) operate in a totally closed cabal of hatred that festers with each successive Israeli success and each successive failure of the people, the Palestinians, they dishonestly claim to support. I say claim, because they prove, day-in, day-out that they couldn't actually care less for the plight of the Palestinians. All they care about is whipping up further Jew-hatred amongst their incredibly thick and non-objective supporters whose only concern is the demonisation of Israel, the demise of Israel and the murder of Jews.

It's there in black and white in the Hamas Charter. Push the Jews into the sea. Don’t rest until the Jews are gone. And ironically, the holy Koran itself actually preaches against such hatred.

The same people don't care that Hamas siphon off world aid that should go towards the Palestinian people, and instead has created over 1,600 millionaires and a further almost 2,000 near millionaires in Gaza since 2005, all on unearned income. They don't care that extrapolated out over 10 years since 2005, an average of five rockets a day have been dispatched into Israel. They don't take heed of the fact that if Hamas are going to attack Israel, it is an obvious result that Israel will retaliate. In fact, they prefer retaliation, hoping that one or more of their own will be killed, because in their eyes it is worth it that one of their own dies if the end result is condemnation of Israel by the world media and yet another partisan resolution by the useless and completely unfit-for-purpose United Nations.

The Jew-haters have a perverted love affair with the words "Conflate", "Zionism canard", "Trope", "Zionist control of the media" and"Apartheid Israel". Thus far, they have got away with, literally, murder, as they attempt to excuse their Jew-hate by it being "conflated with Zionism". Jew-haters are, almost without exception, the ONLY section of 'society' who use that term. It's a great scapegoat to help them disguise their Jew-hate. To accuse their detractors of 'conflating' anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.

Utter rubbish! The PCS and BDS are nothing but bigoted Jew-haters. End of. Jews are not 'conflating' anything. It's a rock-solid fact. The PCS and BDS are simply unabridged Jew-haters! And their style of pseudo anti-Zionism is nothing but anti-Semitism and Jew-hate

Take the wonderful, modern-day fiction that the British media are controlled by Zionists. Really? Ask them precisely which media, and they immediately retort with profanity. Yes, it is true that both the Jewish Chronicle and Jerusalem Post are both controlled by Zionists. The clue is in their respective titles. And yes, the Daily and Sunday Express and Star were once owned by a Jewish man, but aren't now. And how about the Daily/Sunday Times, Daily/Sunday Telegraph, Daily/Sunday Mail, Guardian, Independent, London Evening Standard, Observer, Daily/Sunday Mirror, Financial Times, BBC, ITV, Sky, UK regional dailies and weeklies? I don't see many Zionists in control there. In fact I don't see any Jews in control there at all, let alone Zionists. Rupert Murdoch, the Barclay twins, the Rothemeres, Eugeny Lebedev - not very Jewish at all. Or am I mistaken and they are in fact closet Jews? Closet Zionists?

I don't think so.

By all means criticise the Israeli government. People always criticise governments. But don't use blame-culture nonsense as an excuse. Introduce some facts into the criticism. The rockets. The terror tunnels. The terrorism. The fake Palestinian propaganda. The fact that the world didn’t care less one way or another about the Palestinians before the 1973 Yom Kippur war (one of defence!). The fact that the  Al Aqsa Mosque was built ON TOP of the temple mount (therefore AFTER the Jewish temple) and not only that Jerusalem is not mentioned in the holy Koran, but Muslims often pray facing Mecca with their backs to Jerusalem whilst Jews throughout the world have always prayed facing Jerusalem

But the constant demonisation of Israel and Jews has now become as utterly despicable as it is unacceptable. And it needs to stop.

Just try looking at yourself in a mirror and, if you have any sort of backbone whatsoever, ask yourself why?

Just ask yourself what you would do if you were constantly under attack in your own home from rockets. Or if a neighbour was borrowing a tunnel from their side of the road to yours in an attempt to murder your family. Or your neighbours stoned your car each time you drove past their house. Or if a neighbour told you to boycott Tesco while continuing to shop there themselves. Or if an elderly neighbour was waiting at a city suburban bus top and a youth drove a car or motorcycle into them in an attempt to kill them?


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