Friday, 15 July 2016

Is proscription the approaching answer to radicalised Islam?

It is very sad when a major world religion is really on the point of having to be proscribed. Virtually all atrocities in the World since 9/11 have been committed by the lunatic fringe of Islam that has done nothing but bring the entire religion into ill-repute.

It is a great shame, because all of my Muslim friends, without exception, are very much like myself - they have simply been born into their religion and just pay lip service to either their parents or families to keep the peace (so to speak, i.e. stave off parents, siblings or clerics who would soil their underclothes if they knew they didn't exactly keep to Ramadan, they enjoyed a Guinness during the week, or a night out with a young lady/man not of the faith). It is such a shame.

However, unlike say the IRA running their rackets and wanting a united Ireland, Islamic extremism is driven by weirdbeard 'clerics' who want a Sharia world and simply do not tolerate anyone of any other creed who doesn't believe in, or want to convert to their warped 14th Century beliefs, blame culture and pseudo superiority complexes.

It is not helped by the warmongering multi-millionaire mad mullahs in Iran (ironic that is is actually France's fault for letting Ayatoilet Konmerchat go back in 1979 - the looneybeards seem to have forgotten that - so much for France helping Iran to establish extremism, what a pay-back they have received).

It IS coming to the stage where it has to be called what it is to perhaps embarrass the moderate norms, those who are in a leadership position, to do something about it. And the media, so often themselves the targets of these antisocial and unacceptable "Fatwahs" have to take some responsibility themselves in order to preserve their own freedoms.

I never remember Gerry Adams ever calling for the death of the editor of the Times for posting a satirical cartoon about Sinn Fein or the IRA. And that's with the IRA being founded on fact, unlike religions, where there is no proof and only fairy tales driving their beliefs (and that goes for all religions [the cult Scientology aside, founded on the need for L Ron Hubbard who actually admitted he started it because he wanted to be rich - tell that to Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Beck, peaches Geldof and Edgar Winter] by the way, all 4,950 or so of them inhabiting the world today).

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