Tuesday, 5 March 2019

The average Israel (Jew) hater cannot compute these facts . . .

Whenever reasonable and sentient people get into a 'debate' with the the Israel-obsessed Jewhaters and Palestinian Blame Culturalists (the appallingly hateful and pig-ignorant - with apologies to pigs - Jenny Tonges and Roger Waters of this world), remind them of these facts below and they HATE it.

The reasonable and sentient people then prove themselves 100% correct, because the Israel-obsessed Jewhaters come back, as they nearly always do, with a stream of profanity and "conflate" (why do that type love the word "confkate" so much?) claims.

Simply ask them why they are so obsessed over ONLY Israel, a democracy defending itself from a neighbour ruled by a proscribed terrorist organisation that does nothing but call for Israel's destruction and the killing of Israeli citizens. It was even written into their Charter from 2006 until 2017, the only one in the world actively seeking the destruction of another country (even the lunatic clerics of Iran haven't their seeking of the destruction of Israel written into their constitution).

So, as mentioned, ask them why these Israel-haters aren't as vocal and vitriolic about the following:

1. 550,000+ dead and 11milion displaced Syrians
2. 11,500 dead Yemenis and half the population starving
3. 700,000 displaced Rohingya form Myanmar
4. 200,000 Yahdzis displaced and continually persecuted
5. 1 million Uighurs being herded into a form of ghetto (for their protection" and forced by China to "integrate into society"
6. The $550 million half-share Hamas leader Mashal has in a huge designer shopping mall in Doha despite claiming in 2006 when Hamas took over in Gaza that he had no money and was just a "simple freedom fighter"
7. The 20,000 rockets (at a cost of some £12million) that the "poor" Palestinians have sent into Israel since 2001
8. The PA's Abbas $50million private jet despite all his "poor" Palestinians in the West Bank
9. The 1,370 terror tunnels built by Hamas into Israel AND Egypt at a total cost of $1.25billion = 2 hospitals + 20 schools + 3 commerce towers + 3 shopping centres
10. The 18 Arab MP's in the Israeli Parliament when there is only 1 Jewish MP in the entire league of Muslim Nations (Apartheid? Really?)
11. The estimated 93% of the $16.2billion foreign aid intended for Gaza CITIZENS that has been instead diverted to Hamas and Hezbollah
12. The only 78 synagogues in ALL Muslim states (covering hundreds of thousands of square miles) while there are 368 mosques in Israel, a country the same size as Lake Michigan in the USA. (Apartheid? Really?)
13. The only 53 Jewish students in Arab institutions in the Middle East, while there were in 2018 approximately 26,000 Arab students in Israeli academic institutions. Arch Jewhater Barghouti, the Qatari multi-millionaire who founded the obnoxious and anti-social quasi-terrorist group BDS actually studied himself for a PhD in Tel Aviv while preaching his hateful boycott - typically "do as I say but not as I do" (Apartheid? Really?)
14. Number of Rabbis and Jewish clerics receiving a Civil Service emolument from Arab governments 4, while in Israel, 334 (as of 2018) Imams and Muezzins are paid as civil servants serving their communities (Apartheid? Really?)

People like you [insert name] are in reality "Eyes wide shut no-Jews no-News numpties" accepting Palestinian Blame Culture like it is going out of fashion.
15. The fact that when they claim that Jews control the media, in, for example, the UK, with the exception of the weekly Jewish Chronicle, Jewish Telegraph, Jewish News, and Jewish Weekly (with the obvious hint being in the name), ABSOLUTELY NIL newspapers, TV channels or radio networks are actually owned by Jews. In fact the Independent and Guardian, in that order, are quite anti-Semitic.

Yes, it's never the Palestinians' fault fault for Hamas robbing them blind.
Never the Palestinians' fault for Israel defending itself from Hamas rockets.
Never the Palestinians' fault that they send young Palestinian children up to the border fence when they should be in school (learning to stab Israeli pensioners).

[And please, do check google for the number of border fences in other countries throughout the world before going off on the 40-mile Israel-Gaza border fence! For example there's a:
475-mile border wall between Syria and Turkey
310-mile electrified fence between Zimbabwe and Botswana
450-mile barrier  between India and Pakistan
1,700-mile barbed wire fence between India and Bangladesh
550-mile wall between Saudi Arabia and Iraq
1,200-mile border fence and trench system separating Ukraine from Russia]

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