"Why do they always pick only on Israel?" - a non-Jewish hotel security team member on 23 September 2018, outside the Hilton Liverpool where a Labour Party fringe meeting sponsored by Jewhate group Palestine Solidarity Campaign was being held.
I traveled to Liverpool as part of a small Jewish Human Rights Watch team to observe two fringe meetings that were being held as part of the 2018 Labour Party Annual Conference. That the conference was held in Liverpool, home to Derek Hatton and his group Militant that almost destroyed the Labour Party back in the 1980's wasn't enough. No, the Unite Union's current leader Len McCluskey is a Scouser himself. Yes, Mr Corbyn and his twisted acolytes must have said in unison (ironically, with due respect to Mr Corbyn that I'm being ironic, the name of another Corbyn-licking union) "
Let's hold our conference in the independent Corbynland of Liverpool in memory of Degsy Hatton, the millionaire web designing socialist who wants to come back into Labour*"
*Hatton was re-admitted to the Labour party on
19th February after 34 years. He lasted 2 days before it was discovered
that like many of his ilk, he is an enabler of Jewhate and in a 2012 tweet was caught encouraging blame culture against British Jews for the actions of the Israeli government.}
Meeting number one we were observing was not one to discuss the 600,000+ dead and 11milion displaced in Syria, or the 720,000 displaced Rohingya in Myanmar or the 11,000 civilian killed and half the population starving in Yemen, or the estimated one million Uighur Muslims who are being held in detention camps in the Chinese province of Xinjiang.
No. That's all chicken feed compared to this important meeting that attracted two of Labour's leading professional Antisemites, Unite's Len McCluskey, Hamas flag-waver 2018, and the childishly scruffy Tosh McDonald of rail union ASLEF - he's the loutish Rick Wakeman lookalike, described by the Sun newspaper as a union wrecker, who has his name, in a most upmarket fashion, tattooed across his knuckles and who thinks Jeremy Corbyn is the Messiah (presumably not a "naughty, naughty, boy" Life of Brian type of Messiah either).
No, meeting number one was being sponsored by the affable and delightful great unwashed professional Antisemites of Palestine Solidarity Campaign who seek peace and justice for the Israel-oppressed Palestinians in the Middle East. Please note however, that it's only the Palestinians ruled by the multi-millionaire terrorists in Gaza (nowt to do with Israel, as Israel exited Gaza in the mid 2000's in exchange for a peace that has never materialssed thanks to the terrorists Hamas gaining control in 2007); neither is it the one million Palestinians in Jordan who have never had any citizens' rights whatsoever for the past 70 years and who morons like McCluskey and McDonald don't care about because in Jordon it's strictly "No Jews" so it's "No News". No Nazi BDS reprobates there stirring it up and boycotting Jordanian goods.
Not that those in Gaza have many rights, apart from those aligned with Hamas having the right to bear arms, dig terror tunnels and fire rockets at Israel as they fulfil the Hamas murderous charter, the only one in the world that seeks to wipe another country, Israel, off the map. At least Iran's weird-beard leaders only shout it at their huffing-and-puffing hate rallies - Hamas have it written into their 'constitution' (the one ordinary Gazan Palestinians have no democratic say in). That's Palestinian Blame Culture in full modus operandi - never the fault of the multi-millionaire (three of their leaders are actually billionaires, despite declaring themselves penniless when they took over in Gaza in 2006 and never having words a day in their lives since then!) Hamas usurpers of world donations and oppressors of their own people. No, it's always Israel's fault.
Quite how the useful idiots McCluskey and McDonald attending this meeting contributes to the enrichment of their union membership that pays their over-enthusiastic salaries (as well as that £400,000 interest free loan for McCluskey's fancy London abode a few years back - well for some), or helps UKplc went slightly over the heads of our merry band of four observers.
A video of McCluskey vitriolically tongue lashing one of our observer group (see picture below) and claiming it is in fact the Tories who are Antisemitic started doing the rounds rather quickly.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6201373/Moment-Union-chief-McClusky-pulled-away-row-Jewish-activists-Labour-anti-Semitism.html. Blame culture no doubt learned from McCluskey's dealings with Mr Corbyn's intimate dear friends in Hamas (not forgetting his other friends Hezbollah, the IRA and the oppressive regime of Veneuzela), as they are forced to languish in 6-star luxury in Doha penthouses in order to keep an eye on their Qatari shopping mall investments (from very mysterious investment income bearing in mind Hamas don't actually work for a living). Yes, everything, including the weather, is the fault of those pesky Zionists.
Although in fairness, Qatar have since become wise to Hamas and slung most of them out, not wishing the Hamas playboy lifestyle, all at the expense of normal Palestinians, to be equated with the emergence of the Emirate into the civilised world .
The grand Clucky
Meeting number two was a "secret" affair. Now in the language of Rogue Traders on the BBC's Watchdog programme, those who wish to stay "secret" usually always have something to hide. And "Jewish Voice for Labour", headed by the very non-Jewish and rather repulsive Jenny "Charles" Manson (her ulterior motive is being a pretender/carpetbagger to an MP's seat in the next general election) certainly have plenty to hide, if the equivalently secret recording we were played of their meeting in the Liverpool Friends Meeting House was anything to go by.
This was nothing more than a replay of 1920/30's Germany and the beginnings of National Socialism, only in down-town Liverpool. Our spy in residence at the meeting reported back all that was missing at the end of the meeting were shouts of "Sieg Heil" and a round of saluting to spinning Jenny. McDonald and his mad hair and his tattoos, was there (boy, he gets around), yet again helping his ASLEF members . . . . . NOT.
Jewish people won't understand "Jewish Voice for Labour" due to their lack - according to mr Corbyn - of their understanding of irony, but the fact their membership is almost 75%
non-Jewish (not remotely near the corporate 51% required to give the group a Jewish majority) and that according to the group's website they are sponsored by BDS (the highly antisemitic and extremely hypocritical "do as I say and not as I do" Boycott Divestment and Sanctions) groups who seek the destruction of Israel, says it all. By day, these are the foxes who guard the chicken run, and by night, attend Jewhate fests, replete in their brown shirts, blame culture and worshiping of the Messiah Corbyn.
The thoroughly repulsive Tosh McDonald
What perhaps was most disturbing about both meetings (the former in the Hilton the latter in the Quakers Meeting House) was the abrogation by the respective venue management regarding the nature of the meeting and claiming not to know what the meeting subject matter was. Both establishments claimed it was just a commercial undertaking renting out their respective establishments to groups prepared to pay for space and refreshments. And the Quakers even went as far as to claim that they allowed the meeting to go ahead so as to be "inclusive" to all groups (yet at the same time claiming to not know the subject matter - that's a little strange allowing inclusivity when you don't know what a meeting being held in your premises is all about).
Indeed. Inclusive to a group that wishes to see Israel (and only Israel) wiped off the map. Not Hamas. Not the mad Mullahs of Iran. Not Hezbollah. Just Israel.
So by the establishments' management own account, would it then be possible for a local paedophile group to hold a children's underwear fashion show unhindered? Or for a Jihadist group to hold a suicide vest show? I think not.
But what was most sad were the rosy-tinted spectacles the delegates seemed to have bought in bulk. We decided not to engage with delegates, having appointed a spokesman to do the talking, but without exception, each one robotically reeled off to all of us the "Labour is NOT antisemitic" mantra. Really? "It is inclusive. It is for the many, not the few and Jeremy is strictly against racism of any sort." Really? That's not the ideal Chris Williamson of Derby follows. Or Richard Burgon. Or Graham Morris. Or George Galloway who is busting a gut to get back into Labour.
No. Not from our hard evidence they aren't. And he ain't. Oh. By the way. I fail to work out whether these people are deluded, pig-ignorant or just plain hard of thinking.
UK Labour and its band of card-waving Jeremy Corbyn
Snowflakes will try to tell you there is no antisemitism within the
party - judge for yourself.
Here is a rather long list of Labour Antisemitism courtesy of GnasherJew and Labour Against Antisemitism. It is quite a comprehensive list, but sadly is now out of date. Out of date for all the wrong reasons. Not out of date because Labour have addressed their problems with Antisemitism, but out of date because there have been many more incidents since. And many of these Antisemites have got off Scott-free.
Do read throught thsi depressing list and make an informed judgement for yourself whether there is a problem with Antisemitism in the Labour Party. And feel free to search the internet using the term "resigned from Labour due to its Antisemitism problem". Here's the BBC's take, even more interesting given that there is a recognised bias against Jews in that publicly-funded behemoth too.
1: Alan Bull, who was selected by @uklabour as a candidate, in the full knowledge he is a Holocaust denier. He was supported by @PeoplesMomentum Director Shawcroft.
2: Afzal Khan, then an @uklabour MEP and now the MP for Manchester Gorton, compared "Israel to Nazis". No disciplinary action was taken.
3: Lord Ahmed, blamed a "Jewish Conspiracy" for his imprisonment for a fatal motorway crash. Ahmed resigned from @UKLabour but remains a Peer.
4: Alan Myers a council candidate for @UKLabour said "if you say anything against them they cry antisemitism & harp back to the holocaust to curry sympathy". #LabourAntisemitism.
5: Ali Milani a Councillor near Heathrow thinks "Jews are stingy" This was OK for @UKLabour who let him off. He has been promoted by @KateOsamor & @johnmcdonnellMP who seem to support this behaviour. He is now in the running to be an MP.
6: Alison Gove Humphries shared this post when she was a candidate for @UKLabour in Birmingham. She claimed that "Israel was linked to ISIS". She also denies that there is any antisemitism in Labour.
7: Andrew Slack, a Cllr let off by @UKLabour said "Israel was created by the Rothschilds & what they are doing to the Palestinian people now is EXACTLY what they intend for the world” with a caricature of a "hook-nosed Jew his hands soaked in blood".
8: Anne Kennedy Hassan @UKLabour Cllr who featured on the military wing of Hamas' website. She said this about Jews “The final solution, Hitler’s bastard sons have come of age”
9: Aysegul Gurbuz a @UKLabour Councillor in Luton praised Hitler as "the greatest man in history" and thinks "it's disgusting how much power the Jews have in the US" #LabourAntisemitism
10: BEINAZIR LASHARIE said “I’ve seen compelling evidence that links Zionists to ISIS”. She also thinks Jews are responsible for 9/11 “Many people know about who was behind 9/11" She was promoted by @UKLabour to Deputy Mayor in Kensington
11: Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan Oxford @UKLabour cllr shares antisemitism on SM and also shared a positive post about late Libyan leader Col Gaddafi, and another implying "same-sex marriage was a perversion".
12: Billy Wells, selected as a Council Candidate & was let off by @UKLabour despite saying "it’s the super rich families of the Zionist lobby that control the world" & other delights about "Jews errrrm Zionists" He still harasses Jews on twitter.
13: Carol Wilcox another @PeoplesMomentum backed candidate. Shared posts about "real Jews" and "Israel lobby" conspiracy theories.
14: Caroline Kolek @UKLabour parliamentary candidate in Tiverton & Honiton (Mayor as well), claimed Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi was "buying oil from ISIS to sell to Israel", and that "Israel was behind The Sun newspaper’s push for UK military action in Syria"
15: Catherine Higgins Co Chair of Wythenshaw and Sale East CLP. She is one of the biggest conspiracy theorists we've ever seen. @hurryupharry profiled her when she stood for Galloway's party. How she ever managed to enter @UKLabour is anyone's guess.
16: Charley Allen, who likes to call Jews "Zio" is was a candidate in Crouch End (and lost a safe Labour seat). Despite being reported to @uklabour numerous times, once for defending Hamas, they did nothing.
17: Chris Williamson, MP who will travel across the length and breadth of the country to support antisemites, quite how this helps his Derby constituents we've not worked out. Williamson described antisemitism within @UKLabour as “proxy wars and bulls***”
18: Colin O'Driscoll Co Chair of @labourint donated £30 to a fund to try to bring libel action against @LabourAgainstAS the organisation who fight #LabourAntisemitism The crowdfund was subsequently removed as harassment by the justgiving platform.
19: Damien Enticott a councillor from Bognor, used a picture (we believe from Syria) to illustrate his belief that “Hitler had a point” & Zionists (read Jews) should be “put in concentration camps”. Which party did he represent? @UKLabour
20: David Wangusi Masinda South East regional board of @UKLabour likes to “racially profile Jews” and only those of us who are black are "real Jews" and is ever so obsessive about the Rothschilds. #LabourAntisemitism
21. Deborah Gehawi/Golding, One of the WORST cases of #LabourAntisemitism we have ever come across, she was a Councillor in Norfolk & she's a Holocaust denier. Like many @jeremycorbyn fans, she pretends to be Jewish to excuse her antisemitism.
22. Cllr Dipu Ahad voted against permission for a new @marksandspencer store because M&S are "Zionists who kill Palestinians" Dipu is quite unpleasant, he also hounded the members of the Holocaust Memorial Day org so badly, the Jewish members walked out
23: Dorian Bartlett a “diversity” officer for @UKLabour A diversity officer who used this meme on his @facebook profile & no one at @UKLabour or in his CLP objected?
24: George McManus - who serves on the @UKLabour National Policy Forum wrote on Facebook: “Apparently Electoral Commission states that Watson received £50,000+ from Jewish donors. At least Judas only got 30 pieces of silver.” He was let off by @UKLabour
25: Gary Walton is secretary of the Paris branch of @labourint he is particularly unpleasant he called Jews “Frothing Baboons”
26: Cllr George McIrvine shared a post “There are only 9 countries in the world without a Rothschild central bank: Russia, China, Iceland, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and Hungary. Isn’t it funny we are always at war with these countries?”
27: Helen “Nelly” is the Womens officer of S Wilts @UKLabour She’s fond of sharing Icke conspiracy theories & even attending his events. She also believes that Jews have no right to live in Israel. She shares these views widely on FB no one from Labour objects.
28: Cllr Ilyas Aziz urged Jews to “stop drinking Gaza’s blood,”. He has also compared the actions of Israelis towards the Palestinians to the actions of Nazis towards Jews & said Jews in the Middle East could move to the U.S. He is still an @UKLabour Cllr
29: Former Mayor of Shrewsbury Cllr Ioan Gruffydd Jones, shared
Smoloko.com a far-right/Nazi apologist/neo-fascist/white nationalist/white supremacist/anti-Semitic propaganda website on Facebook, among other unpleasant posts.
30: Irfan Javed @UKLabour candidate in Woodfield in Stevenage. He has ranted on Facebook about “Jew propaganda” and commented: “I am just suspicious. This is what Jewish dominated western media usually does.” He has also compared Zionism to Nazism.
31: Cllr Irfan Mohammed shared a post claiming Jews were warned to stay home on 9/11. He posted a video on FB claiming that Jews “received a text message before the incident “Do not come to work in Sep 11 & there are Israeli ties to the Sep 11 attacks”
32: Jackie Walker from holocaust revisionism, to calling "Jews Nazis" & faking a Jewish identity, what hasn't Walker done to insult Jews? Not enough, to get her thrown out of @UKLabour she is still a member. Because her partner Graham Bash is best mates with @jeremycorbyn ?
33: Jenny Manson Chair of "Jewish" voice for @UKLabour a deceptive and underhand individual, she identifies as Jewish to attack other Jews and compared IHRA antisemitism definition to controversial Section 28
34. John Clarke @UKLabour Cllr & PPC in Essex, berated Jewish victims of the holocaust, saying we should have "fought back" & the Rothschild's have "used usury as an imperial instrument to take over the world and all of its resources, including you and I”
35: Jonathan Rosenhead lead of @jvoicelabour
✅Thinks modern-day Jews are "imposters from ‘Khazaria"
✅blames Israel for the issues of antisemitism plaguing the Labour leadership
✅said "Zionists stopped Jews getting out of Germany".
36: Joss McDonald, @jeremycorbyn speechwriter branded "Israel an ‘apartheid" state and insisted "people excuse its behaviour ‘because of the Holocaust". #LabourAntisemitism
37: Karen Bett Woman's officer for @unlabour posted an antisemitic cartoon.
"The animated clip showed a caricature of a Palestinian teenager slapping a hook-nosed Jewish jailer."
38: Kate Linnegar shared articles that talk of “Holocaust-mongers”. She was let off #LabourAntisemitism charges by @UKLabour and is in the running to be an MP in Swindon.
39: Ken Livingstone, A thread about his past antisemitic comments below. Despite recent controversy, he appeared on Iranian TV, where the host repeatedly claimed the "Holocaust has become an industry" (on Holocaust memorial day).
40: Kierin Offlands, Youth officer of @lewishamlabour & a member of @PeoplesMomentum Called Jews "Zio Nazis" and was let of with a warning by @JennieGenSec
41: Leah Levene a Cllr & Secretary of "Jewish" Voice for @uklabour thinks: "Jews are often agents of exploitation"
42: Cllr Luke Cresswell. Who was reported to @UKLabour for antisemitism & rewarded with a council seat. He tweeted a blood-drenched Israeli flag, captioned “Moses must be proud of you”. In another, he uses a cartoon to portray "Israelis as the new Nazis".
43: Marianne Teller, @UKLabour secretary in Park and Arbourthorne tweeted a photoshop of the standard sign that hangs outside Job Centres. When called out, she made it her pinned tweet. She also tweeted antisemitic abuse @Karen_E_Leon for complaining about trees being cut down.
44: Martin Burke @uklabour candidate said: “As Hitler sat down with popcorn,he asked his movie-going companion: Sweet or salty? All the same to me, came the answer from Balfour. They’ll never find out, surely, & I’m so glad that SM hasn’t been invented yet”
45: Mary Lockhart a councillor from Fife, suggested in a Facebook post that headlines critical of @UKlabour position could be the work of the Israeli security services.
46: Mary Stickley is the Women’s officer of @labourint. Instead of focusing on Brexit, or other issues of importance to Women, Mary spends a lot of time comparing “Jews to Nazis” and stating that the Israel lobby are paying off Labour Politicians.
47: Maureen Madden @UKLabour Cllr in Tyneside shared an image of banker Jacob Rothschild - which had a caption stating among other things “these people...invisibly control the world”. She is still a Councillor.
48: Max Tasker a @UKLabour Councillor in Wales, member of "Jewish Voice for Labour" and ex member of the EDL (yes you read correctly he was a member of the EDL!) what attracted him to @UKLabour and "Jewish Voice for Labour?"
49: Mel Melvin, was women’s officer in Brighton @Uklabour She tweeted "Sarin gassing was filmed by the BBC at Pinewood on the orders of Mrs May and the Israeli lobby". She apparently left the party, but, not after being supported by MP @lloyd_rm
50: Michelle Harris, was picked as a candidate to run for MP in 2 constituencies, she's admin of @UKLabour Party Forum on FB, she says "those holocaust victims who died in dignity". She is founder of @lfpme. Labour let her off.
51: Cllr Mike Pevitt said about a letter signed by rabbis criticising @UKLabour over antiSemitism
“Nobody bats an eyelid about mosques writing to Tories about Islamophobia but Labour get into the lead & Tories instruct their Jewish members to write in”
52: Mike Sivier a candidate in Wales & arch twitter "Jew Baiter" was offered training by @UKLabour presumably to try and cure of him of his conspiracy theories about Jewish orgs. He refused... he also produces a cartoon strip called "hard boiled Hitler"
53: Cllr Miqdad Al-Nuaimi stated "Jews in whose name #Israeli #Zionist regime commit war crimes should worry: It's the same arrogant mentality as #Nazis".”& “#Israel regime & army are increasingly assuming the arrogance & genocide character of the #Nazis."
54: Mohammed Shabbir @UKLabour Councillor in Bradford claimed "Russian Orthodox Jews were involved in the sex trafficking trade — demand is particularly high among Charedim, the conservative Orthodox Jews, many of whom are regular clients of brothels…."
55: @jenniegensec is FB friends with Moassabir Ali a campaign officer, who in 2016 was suspended from @UKLabour for tweeting a link “Timeline of the Jewish Genocide of the British People” which accuses Jews of financing various bloody historical events
56: Ex Mayor of Hounslow and councillor Nisar Malik, was not sanctioned despite sharing a Facebook video suggesting that “Zionist Jews” were behind the 9/11 attacks. It is uncertain if @UKLabour have done anything.
57: Naomi Wimbourne-Idrissi Leader of "Jewish" voice for @UKLabour , screams, shouts & spits at Councillors trying to adopt rules to protect Jews.
58: Nasreen Khan, @UKlabour candidate, asked: ‘What have the Jews done good in this world?’. She said schools were "brainwashing us and our children into thinking the bad guy was Hitler" and said "Jews have reaped the rewards of playing victims".
59: @UKlabour Students at Oxford mocked the Jewish victims of the Paris attack, called Auschwitz a "cash cow", and used the Neo-Nazi slur "Zio", according to extensive testimony from Jewish students. Labour decided not to discipline the key perpetrators.
60: Cllr Pam Bromley, who was repeatedly reported to @UKLabour by many, with no action taken. Labour even denied she was a member, until the media exposed her, She is very fond of using the Rothschilds tropes for Jews.
61: Paul Flynn MP questioned whether the UK’s ambassador to Israel should be Jewish, because he might “go native” & have “divided loyalties”. Apparently the job “should go to “someone with roots in the UK”. He has a history of denying #LabourAntisemitism
62: Peter Willsman part of the ruling National Executive Committee of @UKLabour and member of @peoplesmomentum stated that Jews were falsifying complaints of antisemitism and that we are "Trump fanatics" (HT @JewishLabour)
63: Rebecca Gordon Nesbitt Parliamentary Candidate @UKLabour runs a think tank which defended Livingstone & Walker & questioned the “Zionist sympathies” of Jewish MPs. The think tank’s website registered by her is now offline
64: Rebecca Massey Chair of @UKLabour CLP in Brighton tweeted~: "Interesting insight into how Israel has Tory & Labour parties under control" & "How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party's anti-Semitism crisis". She was let off.
65: Roy Smart, a council candidate, was posting antisemitism & Holocaust denial widely for years on Social Media, but, @UKLabour still selected him. We exposed him, only then was he deselected.
66: Sharon Wall was suspended by @UKLabour (a rare occurrence!) For saying, “The horrific deeds of the Jews is drawing hatred to them - rightly so”.
67: Salim Mulla, The former @UKLabour Mayor of Blackburn said: "Zionist Jews are a disgrace to humanity". He also suggested "Israel was behind the Sandy Hook massacre and ISIS". #LabourAntisemitism
68: Sally Eason @UKLabour candidate is termed the "oddest antisemite" by our esteemed friends @jew_know - read this and you will see why (if you've been trolled by her on twitter, you'll already know all this). Another @jeremycorbyn
69: Shah Hussain, a councillor in Burnley, directed a series of Twitter posts at Israeli soccer player Yossi Benayoun, calling him a “complete and utter plonker” and saying he and Israel were “doing the same thing that hitler [sic] did to ur race in ww2.”
70: Sian Bloor a senior @UKLabour rep who believes "Israel created Isis" and likes to appear on the Richie Allan Show...
71: Simon Attwood @UKlabour council candidate in Kingston upon Thames believes in the fact that there is a global Jewish conspiracy influencing UK politics, the media, @JohnMannMP is a paid agent of Israel & trolls Jews on twitter relentlessly.
72: Stephen Saxby, a toxic antisemitic vicar, who is now parliamentary candidate for Westminster. READ this thread it will leave you spinning, and asking how @UKLabour could select anyone like this...#LabourAntisemitism
73: Susan Blair-Jordan is the disabilities officer for @ColchesterLab Despite us exposing her as an antisemite she was allowed to attend @UKLabour meeting, and, we are reliably told NO ONE challenged her on her racism.