Sunday, 29 January 2017

I'm sick of stupid, partisan and monster raving loony protesters in stupid pink hats

Sister Solidarity. Pussyhat Project. 

What a load of total and utter bolleaux (pronounced like 'gateaux').

Now they are protesting about the poor Muslims from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen – banned for 90 days from entering the USA by President Trump, when all that links these wonderful bastions of democracy and respect for human life is their love of terrorism/piracy.

What is shameful are the 500,000 dead and 12million displaced normal Syrian citizens aside who the Pussycrap Sodhilarity Sisters don't seem to give a monkey's nut about. All they want to do is strut around in their stupid pink hats looking as gormless as they in fact are. Yes, the ban will no doubt effect normal citizens of these aforementioned countries, but they should be doing more themselves to stamp out terrorism. They have only themselves to blame. No one else. Why are these thoroughly idiotic (some quite despicable actually) people chiding Mr Trump for trying to do something to protect his citizens? The 9/11, 7/7, Bataclan and other terrorism activities weren't exactly carried out by members of a Presbyterian Mothers' Union group who got diverted from their knitting by finding a bag of AK47's and Semtex lying around as they went about their day out to help the elderly of the community.

Such unbelievable hypocritical double-standards have been demonstrated by both politicians and the dumb and dumber 'Wimmin' who are in essence complaining about a democratically elected person they just don't happen to like.

The silence from these lunatics has been deafening over the years where Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen are concerned. These cesspits don't allow entrance to anyone who has even an Israeli visa/entrance/exit stamp on their passport. And despite trying to cosy up to Israel because of the threat from the happy-clappy mullahs of Iran, Saudi Arabia still bans Jews (although I believe this may be now on the wane) on the feeble pretext of perhaps desecrating the tomb or making the areas around the tomb of the Prophet unholy. They don't like people to enter the country wearing any clothing made by a Jewish firm. Yet they happily cry out 'wolf-wolf' to Israel to help them with their mutual Iranian 'problem'. The Saudis have finally realised that while  Israel is first on Iran's take down list, Saudi Arabia is a very firm second.

This above is aside from the 16 countries in the graphic below who are always first in the queue (especially Pakistan - er, how about your founding in 1947 where over 1 million were killed and millions displaced?) to accuse Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East, of Apartheid, as they quite happy break the piss-poor UN's rules on international border access. 

Israel allows that which few Muslim middle eastern counties allow for non-Muslims in relation to elected officials and residents who are not Jewish - they can rise the public service (and private business) ranks and own land in Israel. Yet non-Muslims are prevented from doing this in virtually all Muslim Arab countries - you try, as a non-Muslim, building a church or temple or owning land in Saudi Arabia and see how far you get before being invited to participate as the main attraction in a stoning! You try being Palestinian in Jordan and try to buy land or become a doctor, lawyer, architect or banker and just see how far you get!

And then there is the Jew-hating boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, run by a Tel Aviv-living, recent Tel Aviv University graduate (who paid to attend Tel Aviv University and gain his degree while calling for others to boycott Israel, rather than study at a University in Doha or in his beloved Gaza) and Qatari multi-millionaire, Omar Barghouti, which seeks to ban Israeli products and people from institutions in the West. He is about as hypocritical as one can get.

By all means protest, but let the protests be consistent. It is always about total and utter double-standards and Palestinian blame-culture when it comes to Israel.

And this is what turns people like me into a seemingly raving right-winger when in reality I am not. It's the lack of any fair play whatsoever that gets me going.

Monday, 2 January 2017

So a new year begins . . . . .

Well you can't call me anything but observant, I can spot a New Year months away- and one has to wonder what's ahead, although one does wonder what has been behind!

Detractors and demonisers of Israel seem to have the memory (and by and large the matching IQ) of a goldfish. They witter on continually about "occupied land", "Israel the oppressors", "Apartheid Israel" and other blame-cultural and blood-libelous horsedung, while NEVER referring to:

1. The 1967 and 1973 wars that, had the Arabs not started them in the first place, there would not have been a need for a so-called consequential 'occupation'. Will the UN now push for Pakistan to give itself back to India from whence it came with the loss at the time of over 1milion lives and 12million uprooted from their homes in 1947?
2. Referring to Israel as an Apartheid State when it is so clearly the ONLY fully-fledged democracy in the region. The lack of basic human rights let alone the oppression in some of the surrounding countries is astounding and totally defies description. And the one that cries the most 'wolf', Israel's Western neighbour Blame-Cultureland, does not even admit Jews (except donkeys such as Miriam Mygoolies and other similar self-blaming dregs of humanity on their publicity-seeking and career-rejuvenating ventures).
3. Professional, acknowledged and previously censured anti-Semites such as Jenny "Acid" Tonge and piddle-with-the-wind Wishy Washy Warsi are allowed to remain as ennobled members of Her Majesty's United Kingdom when they have so plainly crossed the divide between legitimate criticism of Israel and whipping up, encouraging, or in Tonge's case, actively acting as professional ambassadors for Jewhate
4. The political rules state that public officials, whether MP's or Councillors have a duty of care to put the requirements of their constituents first and foremost on their priority lists. Yet the likes of MP's Richard Burgon, Grahame Morris, Shabana Mamoud and others such as Alan Duncan, John McDonnell, David Ward and numerous councillors from the likes of Leicester Council spend an inordinate amount of time not only demonising Israel and whipping up anti-Jewish sentiment, but many actually waste taxpayers money visiting (only) Gaza and the West Bank, further  acting as ambassadors for blame-culture, Israel-demonisation and Jewhate
5. The detracting anti-Israel brigade and the UN have NEVER questioned the commonly acknowledged fact that the Hamas leadership, since taking over (been elected, ha ha) Gaza, has misappropriated over $10billion of world-donated funds. Also, that they have spent most of the past 10 years living in 5-6 Star luxury in Doha, Qatar, is never questioned. The Hamas Charter, with its Jew-murdering content has similarly never been questioned by the likes of the UN who are so quick with their partisan resolutions against Israel while the rest of the world get away scot-free with far more serious abuses of their own.
6. (Added, thanks to RS) The disgraceful UN resolution that "Zionism is racism" fiasco, while people get their knickers in a twist when it is suggested that Islam might not perhaps always be the religion of peace it's cracked up to be. This probably goes quite a way to help explain why the charitable, people-loving, life-loving, culture-loving, western culture-respecting, peaceful members of so-called Islamic State have the word "Islamic" in their title. They just spell their version "pieceful" - human pieceful - but hey, it's more fun demonising Israel to take peoples' minds off all of that. Besides, we have the new hip, meaningless phrase, "post-truth". Let's man (or woman) up and face it and look at all the Jews who have driven planes into buildings, blown themselves up on buses, in trains, on the underground, in restaurants and how many have run rampant with guns in public places, at rock concerts, on marathon runs all in the name of Kind David. ET phone home.

Just remarking. Happy New Year to all.