Thursday, 28 April 2016

Blame culture - never their own fault, ever. Always someone else's.

To make a mistake is human nature, to make the same mistake twice crosses the line between unfortunate and stupid and to make the same mistake three times is the stuff of HR departments.

Over the past months, we have witnessed a ridiculously high number of anti-Semitic incidents in UK Labour politics that have been outed, mainly because the internet has a far longer memory than it has ever had since Sir Tim Berners-Lee first unleashed it and Google and Facebook subsequently took it over! This has also occurred because while current UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has stated he will not tolerate anti-Semitism - as well as other forms of racism – he has not only been spectacularly slow at actioning his promises, but keeps the company, or counts as his friends, some quite spectacular anti-Semites and Israel-demonisers such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the IRA/Sinn Fein.

In mid-2016, Luton's youngest councillor, 20-year-old Aysegul Gurbuz,was suspended from the Labour Party for some of her twitter posts, including that Hitler is the "greatest man in history" and "The Jews are so powerful in the US it's disgusting."

While the tweets were sent by her way back in 2011, Garbuz immediately attempted to at first blame her sister, before claiming "multiple people had access to my account and the tweets made do not reflect what I believe” before finally admitting “I take full responsibility for what was spoken in my name. I believe it is the right thing to acknowledge the pain I have caused and have resigned."

As if any teenager puts her phone down for even ten minutes!

Similarly, Naz Shah from Bradford, in 2014 and some nine months before she became an MP, tweeted that Israel should “relocate to the US” and posted an article that likened Zionism to al-Qaida. She went on to say that “Americans would welcome Israelis with open arms” and that the relocation would bring peace to the Middle East by ending “foreign interference”. Full-on blame culture with no mention about Muslim terrorist organisations in the middle east, continual broken Gazan ceasefires with Israel or the 11,000 rocket attacks into Israel from Gaza since Israel kept to its promise and moved out of Gaza in 2005 in exchange for peace - a peace Hamas have never provided. Naz also tried to blame her tweets on the “tensions in Gaza at the time”, despite her living in Bradford, some 2,300 miles away.

Plainly, if she cannot hold herself responsible and accountable for her own actions, she should not be in public life and a Member of the British Parliament.

To quote the Politics Today programme on BBC 2 on 27th April 2016 (by the way, the BBC is certainly not a "Zionist-controlled mainstream media" either - if it was it wouldn't continually send the appallingly partisan and Palestinian-apologists Jeremy Bowen and Orla Guerin (both who have fallen victim, hook, line and sinker to Islamic blame culture) to the Middle East!
 . . . . . . . Andrew Neil (Daily Politics - 27 April 2016)

"What goes through somebody's mind that they post 'Let's not forget everything Hitler did was legal'? It's like something you'd expect from the Klu Klux Klan and when Eichmann suggested in the 40's that all Jews should be deported to Madagascar."
. . . . . . . Liam Fox (Daily Politics - 27 April 2016)

"It's not just about the posts but about whether you share the sentiments of the posts and whether you write them. There is something wrong with processes if the tweets were sent before she became an MP and then, how she was selected and elected with these (tweets) not picked up. How could she be allowed as a candidate to stand with these comments out there on social media? It's all about sympathising with the views and not the timing of when they were sent out."

Aside from the overt anti-Semitism exhibited, what is deeply worrying is the blame culture and inability to immediately accept responsibility for their own actions. This is very much a consequence of the thick dividing line between the Judeo-Christian west, with its ability to accept guilt, and the Islamic east, which has a very long tradition of blame culture against others for its ills. It's really just all about guilt and the apportioning of blame to assuage that guilt rather than be honest and accept it. It’s an ancient cultural carry-over that has only become more evident in British society over the past 20 - if that - years, as physical proof to the contrary now surfaces more readily and easily to override and correctly apportion the blame.

Here in the West, we have a tendency toward the acknowledgement of guilt, whether this is rightly or wrongly, meaning that as a result, the role of culprit is readily adopted. We promote self-criticism, and with this we similarly possess the capacity for self-correction. As the modern West has become more modern, the Christian notion of "original sin" has thus been secularised to quite an extent. Islam, however, does not allow for any notion of "original sin". Combined with equality and diversity and a fear of being accused of harbouring Islamophobic tendencies, this has expressed itself in a form of Western acceptance of blame for the Islamic-Arab world, when in reality they are very much wholly responsible for their own ills. Islam has absolutely no historical tradition, belief or customs relating to collective guilt. A practicing Muslim becomes certain of attaining his salvation just through the fulfilment of Allah's commandments. 


In the Middle and Far East it is a totally different story where one’s own guilt and insufficiencies are always apportioned to others. Self-criticism is rarely, if ever, practiced, so being able, or having the free will to self-correct, is consequently very restricted. They are very happy, and in fact almost always prefer to be seen as the victim, receiving great support from conspiracy theories that are so easily spread via electronic and social media in an attempt to justify that which is otherwise very anti-social behaviour. And sadly, that guilt is strictly a personal burden, and one that can be dispensed with by the ritual and very adherence to Allah's laws. But like anything that is from the hand of man, it can be slightly, somewhat or majorly abused. And there are none of the inconvenient moral dilemmas that are such a characteristic of both Christianity and Judaism. There is simply no collective guilt passed from one Muslim generation to the next.

Where the two cultures conflict and collide, the West can no longer function with a free hand very much because of its own self-imposed moral constraints. And it’s not a criticism, Islamophobia or otherwise to point out that Islam does not promote or allow for the formation of free will or any individual responsibility. In the Islamic concept of man, free will is totally subservient to Allah's all-encompassing pre-ordained plan. And we see this regularly manifest itself in some of the what we consider quite outlandish and often self-violent YouTube videos of practices so foreign to Westeners that we consider them to be almost unbelievable.

Our own self-imposed restrictions regarding blame and acceptance of responsibility are readily construed as a weakness by what has now become an aggressive blame society abroad. Our acceptance of blame and responsibility are subsequently not respected in situations of conflict, instead, being simply and crassly exploited. And with so many Muslim leaders now sitting in positions of responsibility on United Nations committees, this is one of the main reasons so many partisan and often straightforwardly anti-Semitic motions and resolutions are passed by that once-respected, but now totally farcical, body of people.

They have been taken in and connived by blame culture to the extent that it has become the easiest and most convenient option open to them. Despite huffing and puffing about equality, diversity and human rights, it has become easier for the UN to pander and accept the blame-culture of the 23% / 1.7billion of the world’s population that is Muslim and who occupy the world’s 50 Muslim-majority countries rather than the 0.2% / 14million free-thinking Jews, half of whom occupy one single sliver of land and who Muslims feel, as a result of their own cultural impression, they can continually blame and also generate and spread conspiracy theories about.

And despite the presence of a large Muslim population in Israel, the fact Israel is the nearest Western-style democracy, one that has been extremely successful and productive without oil reserves, and one that has to be on red alert 24/7 makes it possibly the easiest blame-culture target in the world for Muslims.

Muslims use conspiracies as self-reassuring clarifications for complete strokes of fate, which they feel are due to God's inexplicable wishes. It’s not a criticism, neither is it intended as a snide comment about, or a debasement of Islam, but If a Muslim is dealt a hand from his Allah that he can't influence, he doesn't take any responsibility or accountability for it. It is similar to Roman Catholicism where forgiveness is sought and accepted from the parish priest for sin, with many people claiming that as the very way members of the IRA cleared their consciences after having committed otherwise less-than-legal acts. It’s the often contentious way religion works, and while there are many adherents who will follow it honestly, there are those who will otherwise use it to their own nefarious advantage. That’s human nature!

So while we in the West organise all-day rock concerts to feed the starving millions in Africa because of our guilt for having enough food on our own tables, even though we have gone out and worked to earn the money to pay for that food, regardless of its obscene oil wealth, the Muslim in the Middle East (and further) will remain depicted as a victim.

We will feel sorry for ourselves for using legitimate force when required, while merely tut-tutting as Christians are wiped out by extreme Muslims. We will feel guilty about the third world, so pile on the cash donations, while the super-rich Arab states will continue to do nothing, instead, imbuing their blame culture in a totally different direction, blaming the USA and Israel for the lack of peace in the Middle East.

The Islamists will continue to detest Western democratic values of man-made origin that contradict their own Sharia which they claim descends from God. Yet if they are anyway politically mistreated in any country apart from that of their origin, they won't hesitate to denounce it, blame others and take to the street with their violent denunciations, threats and then subsequent hypocritical appeals to human rights. And countries and Gaza-apologists (remember, Gaza is ruled by a terrorist organisation whose 4 most senior activists [living in 5-star luxury in Doha of course, Gaza is not good enough for them] have amassed a $10billion+ fortune between them*, never having done a day's work in the past 10 years and just completely coincidentally since they took over in Gaza 10 years ago; also, as of May 2018, Mahmoud Abbas, is currently 14 years years into a 4-year term of office as President of the West Bank PA because he won;t allow elections and he is in the process of increasing his $500million fortune and $50million private jet) fall for it, hook, line and sinker.

And sadly, so many guilt-aware westerners are so easily taken in by this hypocrisy.

* explanations for this amassed fortune appreciated